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Courses Taught
Introduction to Organization and Leadership
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Leadership in Urban Contexts
Schools, Community, and Society
Educational Leadership for Social Justice
School Discipline, Climate, and Trauma
Data-based Decision-Making
Legitimation of Power in Organizations & Society
Race & Diversity in Higher Education
Introduction to Public Scholarship and Community Engaged Learning
Introduction to Sociology
Race & Ethnicity
History of Social Movements
Personal Responsibility and Manhood
Working With Diverse Families
Nurturing Is Not Enough: A Case Study on
Social Justice, Caring, and Discipline
A critical perspective on the use of the trauma narrative in American schools
Disciplinary Third Spaces in a Social Justice High School
A Humanizing Approach to Improving
School Disciplinary Culture
Social Justice Educators:
A Note on Your Authority and Power
Getting Cursed Out for Social Justice:
On Handling Verbal Assaults With Humanity
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